Whenever I decide if I will place anyone, it’s the needs of the dogs that I take into consideration, over my own wishes. If you are interested in learning more about having an adult from Staghorn join your home, please let me know.
Please feel free to email me, to discuss. All our girls are well socialized with good house manners, and make excellent family pets. Additionally, from time to time we assist in the re-homing of a Staghorn dog or a dog from a colleague breeder who has been sold and, for reasons beyond the dog's control, is being returned (such as its owners moving or divorcing.)
If you are interested in any other upcoming adults that become available, please email me now. When necessary, I work from a waiting list of approved families upon the retirement or return of a dog, so if I have heard from you and and you are approved for our waiting list, I can inform you as soon as a dog is available. Additionally, I am involved with a network of reputable breeders who also take back any dogs of their own breeding and work to re-home them to approved homes. So if I cannot provide you with a Staghorn dog, I most certainly could assist you to find a suitably well bred Labrador, if you decide to work with me on this.